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  • Writer's picturekhyati sehgal

Cross browser testing via Sauce labs?

Learning starts when you start experimenting. Be it in Information Technology or layman’s life.

I will be using this space to make you understand a tool which will be of great help, not only for all the Software QA but to the Product Owners, Developer, stakeholders, etc. It has all the solution to the issues we foresee in day-to-day life. As we know in Agile we always define the Acceptance criteria, Definition of Done while make a story.

For those who are not so familiar with Agile , Kindly go through this wiki page-

So, in a web GUI testing or any mobile device specific testing, to mark a story complete , we need to make sure that the story is functionally tested around the whole bunch of permutation and combinations. This includes various operating systems, browsers, resolutions, devices, versions, etc. Sauce labs provide all this at one place and that too with very simple steps.

As an automation Engineer, you must have to understand the complexity which lies back to each and every combination so that we can call testing close to complete, as complete testing is a way vast term according to me.

If you have ever worked with Selenium then you must have heard of the terms like parallel execution, virtual machine, dealing with multiple browser/Operating system specifications, etc.

And of course, looking for a single fast solution is what we need when it comes to real-time run. In this post, I will be sharing a tool that compliments all this and has made for automation with tools like selenium.

On this note, I shall take no more time to introduce you with this fantastic tool called- Sauce Labs.

It is a cross browser, multiple utility tool which comes in two forms free-trial and paid version. This is how the dashboard looks like:-

Sauce labs comes with 2 flavors –

  1. The free version and

  2. The paid version.

You can avail the paid version for free to sign up for a month and then once you are familiar with this awesome tool, then you can check the price associated with it from sauce labs official site.

In the upcoming blog post, I shall be sharing the details of the functions which sauce labs provide.


  1. One has to type with a virtual keyboard

  2. Frequent session timeouts

  3. Full list of devices versions not available

  4. Time-consuming and tedious for proxy set up for private networks and URLs.

  5. Minimal support for iPad mini

  6. Less support for windows applications.

  7. Other tools like browser stack, Selenium grid, docker, etc

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