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  • Writer's picturekhyati sehgal

Best suited tool for web services testing : SoapUI.

Recently I started working on services based project and in this post I will share how I learnt all about SOA(Service bases architecture) along with the way we should begin with. In today’s life we have several things ,some which are important and we are ignorant about it. Some are not so important but we think about them all the time ,through out our day. And rest lies in between these two categories. Now the point here, which I would like to make is that , the driving factors of all the happenings is Service ,I am referring only Web here. Though ,in general the answer would be ‘Money’ without any doubt.

If you are a geek who is planning to learn how to test services then I would say go through the whole blog and hopefully I can guide you with some initial steps which you can take to begin with. Generally services comes in two flavors : REST and SOAP. And I will be soon shoot a blog on them too. So to test services you require some tools , technique to test them. The idea is basically to get request and response from services in a readable and understandable way.

There are many tools available in market on web which one can use and start working on, but as always there is a best amongst rest.And wisely you have to choose that one via which you can get the best result by investing less

Web Services are used in every small big scenario ,we can imagine. Just think of it and you can get a direct or indirect connection of web services with the scenario. For instance:

  1. E-commerce web site like Jabong, Myntra, etc

  2. E-banking from banks like HDFC, SBI ,etc

  3. Creating a account on websites like Gmail, Yahoo ,etc

  4. Clicking on any link on web.

  5. Searching via search engines like Google.

  6. Social media web sites like Facebook ,Twitter, etc

Again the question is ,how can we test them in the perfect world.I have started with a tool called POSTER which is a plug-in extension of readily used browsers like Chrome ,Firefox. And you can use advance tools like Advanced REST client which is again an extension of Chrome browser. These things are doable and very very easy to use, only and only if you want to test a service at a time and you are ready to put parameters, headers , payload again and again all the time you want to get response for verification. Really, that means we are on the same page from where we started ..eerrrr…!!!Yeah , what we can do is use a too which allows us to make test suites and projects where-in we can mention all tests in the form of test cases. Along-with this it would be more than sufficient for us if we can just play the test suite once and it will do all other steps by its own.

So the answer to all question is ‘SoapUi’.

Its a SWISS weapon which allows every small-big features in just one IDE.It usually comes in two forms – SoapUI and SOapUI PRO ,where-in PRO is paid version of SOAPui and you need to pay some amount -yearly license investment to get all benefits out of it. To start with you need to download SOAPui from SOAPUI.ORG website and start playing with the tool.It gives wide options to test web services like:

  1. Database connectivity.

  2. Groovy Scripting support.

  3. Assertion addition of ample of types.

  4. Property expansion and transfer with-in the test suites and cases.

  5. JDBC connection for test suites.

  6. Reporting capability of different hierarchy like test suite , cases ,project level.

  7. Set up and tear down proficiency among-st all level.

  8. Debugging ability of test cases.

  9. Talent to make different environments for production , release , etc.

  10. Web Services mocking.

  11. Data driven testing.

All-in-all you just think of a case and you are just few click away from it.

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