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  • Writer's picturekhyati sehgal

ADB for mobile quality analysts.

As we (QA) are growing more towards automation, we have now started exploring tools which developers are using for their development. Not just for developing our own testing framework but also for capturing logs, checking code smells, etc we can use adb.

And I think this is very cool and good to start exploring in this direction, as learning is never ending and shall never stop. Mobile testing is very dynamic and in this blog I will share some experience over adb for android testing and debugging.

In this post I will share some overview of ADB – Android Debug Bridge. It is a command-line utility which can be use to check, view and perform various commands in android.

To install adb on windows machine, you need to have Java on your local machine. You can check whether java is installed on your system by typing java -version in command prompt.


And check whether appropriate environment variable is set.


If yes, then we can proceed with adb. ADB can be downloaded from below URL :-

Here you need to check for the latest android sdk version for windows for eg:-


Once you have this downloaded, you shall see a folder having structure like this:-


Now, you have to set environment variable so that adb can be accessible from anywhere in your system.Set ANDROID_HOME and PATH variable like this:-


If all these steps are done, now you are ready to work with adb. Open command line and type adb, you shall see something like this:-


In the coming posts, I will be sharing some common adb commands which we as a QA can use android testing.

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